HAPPY NEW YEAR errrbody!! I have a buncha shows to kick off the New Year and would love to see y’all. It starts with the PDX area edition of 50 First Jokes at Showbar (which you can get tickets for that HERE) and rounds out with me doing one of my favorite stand-up showcases in Portland, PREACH at The Pope House Bourbon Lounge (which you can get tickets for THAT show HERE)
Besides the two Leave Your Troubles shows i’m doing this month (which y’all should totally come to!!), i am also excited about doing a Laughs PDX sponsored stand-up comedy showcase Starving Artist on February 1st at Underbar in Vancouver, Washington
So, come kick your New Year off with Huddy. Follow me on Instagram to get the most up-to-date stuff. See y’all out in the Pacific Northwest!!