Hungry for some Quarantine COntent?!


HEY Y’ALL!! I hope you’re not goin INSANE with this whole COVID-19 quarantine. Hope y’all don’t know anyone who has the Coronies. The ‘Rona. If you’re itching for some more CHRIS HUDSON to help distract you & you’re all out of Netflix or have already watched my video special, here’s a throwback video of me giving alternate names to my long running stand-up show Everything Will Be Okay (RIP?):

After that, there’s also a limited podcast series (literally only 7 episodes) I did with fellow Baltimore comedians Beth Haydon & Davion Williams called Lucky Charm City:

Listen to this episode from Lucky Charm City on Spotify. hosted by Beth Haydon, Chris Hudson & Davion Willaims

I also am working on a new channel that will have a LIVE streaming show happening a few times a week (or once a week depending on what happens) so be on the lookout for that. Beyond that, stay safe, stay healthy, WARSH YER DENG HANDS, stay inside & be kind to everyone. Call your friends & family. Pet your cat and/or dog extra hard. We’ll get through this. I’ll be over here in PDX listening to endless conspiracy theories. agahagaha

